
5月4日 曹发和博士学术报告(化学与材料科学学院)



报告题目:Advances in spatial resolution corrosion electrochemistry





曹发和博士,男,浙江大学化学系副教授,博士生导师。浙江大学紫金计划、新星计划、浙江大学求是青年学者。现担任浙江大学化学系物理化学研究所副所长,是中国腐蚀与防护学会理事,《中国腐蚀与防护学报》编委。2000年和2005年分获浙江大学理学学士和博士学位;2012.11-2014.12美国德州大学奥斯汀分校访问学者(合作教授:Allen J. Bard)。主要研究方向是材料电化学,腐蚀与防护。



1. F.H. Cao, J. Kim, A. Bard, Detection of the shoft-lived cation radical intermediate in the electrochemical oxidation of N,N-dimethylaniline by scanning electrochemical microscopy,  J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2014, 136(52): 18163-18169.

2. Z. Zhu, Z. Ye, Q. Zhang, J. Zhang, F.H. Cao*, Novel dual Pt-Pt/IrOx ultramicroelectrode for pH imaging using SECM in both potentiometric and amperometric modes, Electrochem. Commun., 2018, 88: 47.

3. W. J. Liu, F. H. Cao*, Y. Xia, L. R. Chang, J. Q. Zhang, Localized Corrosion of Magnesium Alloys in NaCl Solutions Explored by Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy in Feedback Mode, Electrochim. Acta, 2014, 132: 377-388.

4. A. N. Chen, F. H. Cao*, X. N. Liao, W. J. Liu, L. Y. Zheng, J. Q. Zhang, C. N. Cao, Study of pitting corrosion on mild steel during wet-dry cycles by electrochemical noise analysis based on chaos theory, Corros. Sci., 2013, 66:183-195.

5. X.N. Liao, F. H. Cao*, L. Y. Zheng, W. J. Liu, A. N. Chen, J. Q. Zhang, C. N. Cao, Corrosion behaviour of copper under chloride-containing thin electrolyte layer, Corros. Sci., 2011, 53: 3289-3298.